AMD Set to Launch Ryzen Before March 3rd, Meeting Q1 Target
by Ian Cutress on January 11, 2017 7:45 AM EST
Thanks to some sleuthing from various readers, AMD has accidentally let the cat out of the bag with regards to the official Ryzen launch date. While they haven’t specifically given an exact date, the talk to be given by AMD at the annual Game Developer Conference (GDC) says the following:
Join AMD Game Engineering team members for an introduction to the recently-launched AMD Ryzen CPU followed by advanced optimization topics.
The GDC event runs from February 27th to March 3rd, and currently the AMD talk is not on the exact schedule yet, so it could appear any day during the event (so be wary if anyone says Feb 27th). At this time AMD has not disclosed an exact date either, but it would be an interesting time to announce the new set of Ryzen CPUs right in the middle of both GDC and Mobile World Congress which is also during that week. It would mean that Ryzen news may end up being buried under other GDC and smartphone announcements.
Then again, the launch could easily be anytime during February – this March 3rd date only really puts an end-point on the potential range. AMD has stated many times, as far back as August, that Q1 is the intended date for launch to consumers in volume. When we spoke with AMD at CES, nothing was set in stone so to speak, especially clock speeds and pricing, but we are expecting a full launch, not just something official on paper. Ryan will be at GDC to cover this exact talk, and I’ll be at MWC covering that event. Either way, we want to make sure that we are front of the queue when it comes time to disclosing as much information as we can get our hands on ahead of time. Stay tuned!
Source: GDC
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profquatermass - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - link
Or as I say: "Never buy version one of anything!"Alexvrb - Thursday, January 12, 2017 - link
This is a processor, not the first model year of an "all-new" or massively revised car model. By the time the first retail chips are in consumer hands, they usually have a pretty good handle on reliability. If there's issues, they can be corrected by microcode. If you're concerned there's going to be a major bug that when fixed affects performance, just wait a couple of months for the community to vet the chip. There's no need to entirely skip the first revision on every product, if that revision turns out to be good.ddriver - Thursday, January 12, 2017 - link
AMD could not possibly test the chip under every real world situation it could call under. They don't run people's apps, they don't crunch people's data. Specific flaws will always slip through factory testing. Phenom's TLB bug, skylake's fft bug, the original pentium's fdiv bug and several others have all slipped through testing.ddriver - Thursday, January 12, 2017 - link
Also the fact that it is a processor and not a car makes it significantly more prone to bugs. Cars are primitively simple compared to cpus. There are billions of things in a cpu that can fail, whereas a car has only few thousand components.DM0407 - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - link
AMD TLB bug ring a bell?
Alexvrb - Thursday, January 12, 2017 - link
I've rarely been burnt, and it was never anything I couldn't work around. Early adopters are often those who want to tinker with the latest tech and know the risks. If you know what you're getting into, more power to you. With that being said I don't need the latest and greatest anymore, so I probably won't be looking too deeply at Ryzen for a while. But those who leap in headfirst are just what you call "enthusiasts", many of whom are professionals and new tech is their hobby. Enthusiasts are a major staple of sites like these. Otherwise they'd change the site name to "Stabletech" and only review something after it's been on the market for a few years (OK OK phone reviews do NOT count, strictly talking PC components here).Targon - Sunday, January 15, 2017 - link
Are you serious? Professionals will pick up promising tech EARLY to properly evaluate the products. Professionals will not suggest tech before they can properly evaluate the products. It is called the bleeding edge of technology, and WE are expected to know about this stuff before the general public.bananaforscale - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - link
That would fit that "recently launched" in GDC slides. All I know I want it yesterday.profquatermass - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - link
You really need to look at the top-end graphic cards for reducing rendering times on frames and M.2 SSD storage for fast retrieval of the files.Shadowmaster625 - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - link
Normal people can buy perfectly reasonable 12 core Intel workstations off ebay for $600. They aren't the latest architecture but the encoding FPS per dollar cant be matched.