
The Geometric Future Eskimo Junior 36 AIO Liquid Cooler, priced at $120, stands as a capable cooler within what's already a highly-competitive market. Suitable for enthusiasts and regular users alike, the Eskimo balances price with performance and aesthetics, making it an attractive option for a wide range of builds. Its sleek design features a minimalist aesthetic and a subtle implementation of RGB lighting, offering something that, at least visually, is distinct from the many other AIO coolers on the market.

In terms of design, the Eskimo Junior 36 basically adheres to the standard AIO layout but distinguishes itself with its simplicity. The inclusion of black sleeved, flexible rubber tubing complements both its visual and functional aspects. The main block, with its sleek metal surround and subtle RGB lighting, provides a touch of elegance. The radiator is of basic design and the etched company logo on its sides is practically invisible but the Squama fan and especially the application of RGB lighting is visually outstanding.

Performance-wise, the Eskimo Junior 36 shows its strength in offering consistent cooling with minimal noise, with very good thermal performance figures at lower fan speeds. While it does not outperform most of its direct competition, its thermal performance is competitive and does manage to surpass a few rival products. While it may not significantly improve in thermal performance at higher airflows, this cooler is an ideal choice for typical users who seek effective cooling with limited noise.

At its $120 price point, the Geometric Future Eskimo Junior 36 is currently positioned as a competitive option in the mid-range cooling market. Its blend of performance, aesthetics, and affordability should make it a solid choice for a variety of PC builds. Arguably, the strongest selling point of the Eskimo Junior 36 is its outstanding aesthetics; the cooler's understated design, coupled with its effective cooling capabilities, ensures that it not only performs well but also enhances the overall look of the system. For users seeking a fair balance between cost, performance, and aesthetics, the Eskimo Junior 36 emerges as another interesting option in the realm of AIO liquid coolers.

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  • PeachNCream - Saturday, February 10, 2024 - link

    Using possibly charged terms to brand a product demonstrates a lack of research on the part of the company. EK, for years, named their water coolers "Supremacy" and the Europeans behind it failed to note the problematic ties that has to racism in the United States. They only recently rebranded, if I'm not mistaken (honestly its too deep into the PC industry for me to be bothered using a search engine to find out), but it is sometimes difficult for the Chinese to understand the cultural implications of brand choices just as much as western companies have oft caused brand errors by attempting to incorporate Asian themes in their own products.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Wednesday, February 14, 2024 - link

    The term "offensive" is offensive. Why are you so intolerant of the millions who have died in offensive military campaigns throughout human history?
  • GhostOfAnand - Thursday, February 15, 2024 - link

    Yes, words don't denote anything, and terms don't connote anything. Congratulations on your *big* discovery. /s

    P.S. I have no interest to continue. Please reflect on what aspect of my initial comment triggered you and what that says about how you perceive the world and engage with those around you.

    For example, the former Czech Republic is now referred to Czechia in English, as is their wish. It sounds weird to me, but I respect them and so be it. Turkey is now Türkiye in English. Côte d'Ivoire is what the British used to call Ivory Coast, but their colonial French name is how they wish to be referred to in English. More recently India wants to be referred as Bharat in English from the Sanskrit.

    All this is just a small slice of human language, its interaction with human culture, and human psychology.
  • SanX - Friday, February 9, 2024 - link

    Any good suggestions for the watercooler capable to withstand combined power 800-1500watts of future Turin SP5 socket processors and next generation videocards? Where are old convection cooling desighns without fans which turn our computers into wind turbins or bitcoin mining factories.
  • meacupla - Friday, February 9, 2024 - link

    Yeah, go full custom, and have at least 2x360 or 2x280 radiators, and use noctua sterrox fans.
  • SanX - Saturday, February 10, 2024 - link

    I think you are right if you are confident with your custom design but Linus Tech guy kind of discouraged me from doing that despite of his unlimited budget with that. He made one for Genoa and failed miserably as his cooler leaked water. I will try SilverStone XE360-SP5 cooler which looks very weak and if it will also fail to cool below 52C like fail all air coolers with such power constraints i will be forced to invent the bicycle myself. Thanks for pointing on Noctua sterrox fans
  • SanX - Sunday, February 11, 2024 - link

    52C is throttling temperature. Yes, as low as this. Any reference on good high power custom designs and the source of reliable parts for it?
  • meacupla - Sunday, February 11, 2024 - link

    You should go ask somewhere like Level1tech forums, where there is a larger base of EPYC users.
  • back2future - Monday, February 12, 2024 - link

    [ just got aware of that most reviews for/with novelty hardware is about initial conditions review, but rare later reviews on long term durability or altered parameters (or e.g. MTBF/MTTF (MTTR or MTTA are less meaningful with this type of technical devices) verification) (?) ]
  • TheinsanegamerN - Wednesday, February 14, 2024 - link

    Linus also has lost two entire data racks and major backups because he doesn't know how modern server storage arrays work.

    In case its not spelled out, he's a bit of a derp. Take what LTT does with a morton factory of salt.

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