New iCloud Features

Since iCloud made its debut last year alongside iOS 5 and OS X Lion, it has matured as a truly integrated service and has been at the center of Apple’s cloud strategy. With iCloud deeply integrated with iOS and OS X, it evident that Apple is using the service to keep users happy and stuck within Apple's own ecosystem. Good iCloud integration gives users a reason to buy tablets, notebooks and phones all from Apple, instead of picking and choosing from different vendors.

iCloud itself cannot be regarded as a new feature in iOS anymore as it its already been deeply embedded into the OS since iOS 5. There are however some new features that rely on the iCloud backend, such as iCloud tabs, offline reading list and Shared Photo Streams. Other features such as Facebook integration also leverage iCloud to keep contact lists and calendar events in sync. In conjunction with the iOS 6 release, Apple has also added new apps to, namely, Notes and Reminders. Other apps such a Mail, Calendar and Contacts have also been refreshed to blur the line between their iOS and OS X counterparts.

iCloud tabs lets you view your open tabs on your iOS 6 devices and Macs running Mountain Lion. The feature works as advertised, and the update speed across devices is quite impressive. This is a huge boon to the tablet usage model as it allows you to quickly switch between being productive on a notebook and relaxing content consumption on your tablet. Gone are the days when you need to email yourself links to your iPad to continue browsing what you had open on your Mac. This is also a big feature for keeping users using Safari on the Mac instead of migrating to alternate browsers like Chrome.

Safari on iOS also adds support for offline reading list, so you can cache pages for offline viewing later. These also get synced across devices almost in real time and at an impressive speed. If you’ve ever had to live through the nightmare that was MobileMe, you will truly appreciate the speed and reliability offered by apps and features that use iCloud.

Improvements to Siri Passbook
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  • darwiniandude - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Melbourne Australia also has excellent 3D mapping
  • ender8282 - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Try Monkey Burger they have much better burgers.
  • mezz - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Stockholm and Copenhagen both get the 3D-treatment.
  • secretmanofagent - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    You might want to grey out the additional four digits of the zip code (i.e. 85711-****) on the maps page. This can still be used to derive an address.
  • secretmanofagent - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Same page, turn-by-turn: "Voice guidance volume, label size, and units are really the only options here — there seen any options for preferring highways or surface streets, avoiding tolls (though you are warned when given routes to select from) or other common standalone GPS options."

    I'm assuming it's "there doesn't seem to be any options" or the like?
  • AbhorApple - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Alright, this morning upgraded the iPad 3 to i OS 6. Tested out the much touted Apple Maps. Pig in a poke, that's what it is. I could have as well bought a Bartholomew's maps and carried with me. This wretched thing won't show half the places even within 100 miles of Bangalore. Hmm... should have learnt the lessons... Apple cares two hoots for customers and foolish Apple buyers in this geography
  • silverblue - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    It's not just India. Check this article out:
  • steven75 - Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - link

    Direct your iOS web browser to until the Google Maps app makes it to iOS.

    Should be quite a decent workaround for those who live in areas that Apple Maps doesn't have good data on.
  • rash1d - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    "What iOS 6, Android 4.1 or Windows 8/RT/Phone 8 fail to do however is establish a single dominant winner in the market. This war is far from over, which is a great thing for pushing innovation."
  • ayembee - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Transit routing gone, no good replacements yet, location-search pretty bad (I tried a number of tests searches and found literally NOTHING I looked for). Now, taken as a whole, iOS6 is a nice upgrade, and there are plenty of features I find myslef really liking -- however, Maps needed to bake for longer...

    Think about it. You use a map to

    1) find something (data now terrible, fails)
    2) to find a route to the thing you just found (can't route via the metro, so total fail here too)

    In other words, the single two most important use-cases for using maps ina major metropolitan area (the areas where you'll find the highest density of iOS users) are now awful. Turn-by-turn directions are a nice addition IF you actually spend most opf your day driving somewhere. Which most city-dwellers in non-US countries don't, as public transport is usually pretty good...

    Marks awarded for effort and ambition, and even looks.
    BUT... needs a ton of follow-through.

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