New iCloud Features

Since iCloud made its debut last year alongside iOS 5 and OS X Lion, it has matured as a truly integrated service and has been at the center of Apple’s cloud strategy. With iCloud deeply integrated with iOS and OS X, it evident that Apple is using the service to keep users happy and stuck within Apple's own ecosystem. Good iCloud integration gives users a reason to buy tablets, notebooks and phones all from Apple, instead of picking and choosing from different vendors.

iCloud itself cannot be regarded as a new feature in iOS anymore as it its already been deeply embedded into the OS since iOS 5. There are however some new features that rely on the iCloud backend, such as iCloud tabs, offline reading list and Shared Photo Streams. Other features such as Facebook integration also leverage iCloud to keep contact lists and calendar events in sync. In conjunction with the iOS 6 release, Apple has also added new apps to, namely, Notes and Reminders. Other apps such a Mail, Calendar and Contacts have also been refreshed to blur the line between their iOS and OS X counterparts.

iCloud tabs lets you view your open tabs on your iOS 6 devices and Macs running Mountain Lion. The feature works as advertised, and the update speed across devices is quite impressive. This is a huge boon to the tablet usage model as it allows you to quickly switch between being productive on a notebook and relaxing content consumption on your tablet. Gone are the days when you need to email yourself links to your iPad to continue browsing what you had open on your Mac. This is also a big feature for keeping users using Safari on the Mac instead of migrating to alternate browsers like Chrome.

Safari on iOS also adds support for offline reading list, so you can cache pages for offline viewing later. These also get synced across devices almost in real time and at an impressive speed. If you’ve ever had to live through the nightmare that was MobileMe, you will truly appreciate the speed and reliability offered by apps and features that use iCloud.

Improvements to Siri Passbook
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  • crankerchick - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    The overwhelming theme I keep seeing as I read the various iOS 6 reviews is a tendency to make excuses for Apple. This article and Rene Ritchie's both say things to the nature of "It took a lot for Apple to do [x] so that is why this feature was [y]."

    I can't help but point out that when it comes to Android, reviewers are a lot quicker to point out something that sucks and offer no excuse for why it's excusable, yet when it comes to Apple releasing another boring update to iOS, with the exception of Maps, all is more or less excused because, "Maps took a lot of work and time."

    When I'm on Android-centric site, I get excuses for why Android is still the best. On an Apple-centric site, I get excuses for why Apple is the best. On AnandTech, I expect (and usually receive) more unbiased opinions. In this case, I don't get the bipartisan vibe though. It reaks of excuses. Just my opinion.
  • UsernameAlreadyExists - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    This is not the only article I've had this problem with. I had the same feeling while reading the article about the data&voice support. The worst thing is that I've used to rely on Anandtech being rather objective and declaring things as they are. I just hope that they won't invent a completely new camera into iPhone 5 when they review it like SlashGear did (unlike Engadget and Digital Photography Review).
  • mrandross - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Does anyone know how they changed the wifi signal to display in dBs?
    They're not jailbroken with SBsettings on iOS6...
  • yticolev - Saturday, September 22, 2012 - link

    I'd like to know that too, especially if it represents the cell tower data signal and not just wifi. I love having my iPhone voice bars represented in dB and would like the same for data as I do use data more often than voice.
  • mrandross - Saturday, September 22, 2012 - link

    I found a couple different ways. If you had it previously from a jailreak and restored from that backup, then it'll appear again.
    If you don't have that available there's a plist edit
  • yticolev - Saturday, September 22, 2012 - link

    Thanks! I saved the page for future use.

    I've never done a jailbreak. I used this method to hack the bars into dB:

    FieldTest dial *3001#12345#* - you can then keep numerics instead of bars in the top left by force quitting FieldTest after launching it (hold down power/lock until power off appears, then hold the home button).
  • IndyJaws - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    Perhaps I overlooked it at the iOS 6 announcement, but I'll admit to being disappointed for the lack of two main features for iPhone 4 (not 4S) owners - turn by turn navigation and panorama photos. I understand the graphical horsepower needed for 3D flyby, but sad that Apple chose to leave those of us out for the other two features, especially when there are a plethora of apps that do provide those abilities. Yes, I realize I can use them instead (in fact, must), but would prefer OS integration for convenience. Brian (or Saumitra) mentioned that there might be additional horsepower needed for the panorama feature, but there's nothing special about it that makes me think it's just a way to Apple to prod users to the latest phone.
  • Stas - Sunday, September 23, 2012 - link

    Solution: give Apple more money for new device.
  • Sind - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    iOS 6 maps are terrible period. I'm starting to believe the hype that AnandTech is putting an Apple spin on things instead of one that is aimed for the consumer. Terrible biased review of a bad product that lowers user experience. What happened to "it just work's"? Don't release something until it is ready. Apple has put their corporate intentions ahead of the user experience and that is wrong, and Anand's failure to mention that is damning.
  • ciparis - Sunday, September 23, 2012 - link

    Have you personally had trouble with Maps?

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