Testing Swiftkey for iOS 8
by Brandon Chester on September 16, 2014 9:00 PM EST- Posted in
- Smartphones
- Mobile
- Tablets
- iOS 8

Earlier this week SwiftKey announced that they hope to have their keyboard available on the App Store when iOS 8 finally rolls out to users worldwide. They've been kind enough to provide us with a beta version of the SwiftKey keyboard for testing, along with some insight into developing extensions on iOS 8 and their hopes for SwiftKey's future on both iOS and Android.
Assuming that nothing delays Apple's approval for the app, the first step for users who want to get SwiftKey after upgrading to iOS 8 will be to download it from the App Store. Due to the nature of Apple's implementation of extensions, even applications on iOS 8 that are essentially just extensions meant to run in other apps must have a container application that gets placed on the home screen. In the case of SwiftKey this is fine, as the application is home to settings for SwiftKey Cloud, languages, settings, and themes.
Once you've installed SwiftKey from the App Store, you'll need to go into the settings app to add it as shown in the image above. With the app installed the SwiftKey keyboard would show up in the section to add a new keyboard under a header for third party keyboards. Once you've done this you'll be ready to start using SwiftKey. However, you may notice that there's one very important thing missing.
Swiftkey immediately after installation on an iPad
As you can see above, the bar for predictions is covered by a banner asking the user to enable "full access." This is because of the sandboxing that Apple does for third party keyboards on iOS. Third party keyboards are, by default, placed in an extremely restrictive sandbox. They are unable to get information about what words are being inputted or what content is in an app, and they are unable to access networking to do server side prediction. These measures are in place to protect the user's privacy and security. To enable extended functionality, Apple allows users to enable full access for third party keyboards in the settings app. By doing this, SwiftKey is able to grab what characters are being typed to use with their prediction and correction technology which learns more about how a user types and what mistakes they make.
As far as the design of the keyboard goes, its layout is essentially same as the stock iOS keyboard so there's no real learning curve. Users who are familiar with the iOS keyboard can start using SwiftKey and feel at home right off the bat. iPad users will notice that the keys are larger than the stock keyboard, which in my experience made keys easier to hit without causing me to hit the wrong key due to the reduced amount of space between them. In addition to its accuracy, it's also extremely responsive. iOS 8 on the third generation iPad I was using for testing has an enormous delay between when you touch a key and when it actually registers. SwiftKey has no such issue, and for that reason alone it has become my daily keyboard on iPad. As for its appearance, the keyboard currently only comes with the nickel dark and nickel light themes that you see above.
Swiftkey's application, much like the keyboard itself, fits in very well with the visual style and design conventions of iOS. It's obvious that some care has been put into making it more than a port of the Android version of SwiftKey. The application is home to all the settings for the keyboard, including themes, languages, and SwiftKey Cloud. Currently not all the settings from the Android version have been brought over. Layout options and themes are two notable omissions. However, this is a first release, and I've been told that there will definitely be updates as time goes on.
With iOS including Apple's QuickType keyboard with similar correction and suggestion functionality, some users may be wondering why they even need a third party keyboard like SwiftKey. For me the most obvious reason is SwiftKey Cloud. My current setup is an HTC One (M7) and an iPad. Using SwiftKey on my phone but the stock iOS keyboard on the iPad would mean that the information each keyboard learns about how I type would not available to both keyboards. With SwiftKey on iOS and SwiftKey Cloud, all the information Swiftkey has collected about how I type and what mistakes I often make are available to both of my devices. This is a huge advantage for people who have mobile devices running multiple operating systems.
Another advantage that can be argued is that SwiftKey is a company that has had their keyboard available for 4 years, and specializes only in keyboards. It's not unreasonable to think that SwiftKey's technology for learning from how the user types may be more mature than Apple's which is just now being introduced with iOS 8.
The last advantage simply comes down to features. SwiftKey, and other third party keyboards, can always offer more features than Apple does due to their focus only on keyboards and the ability to ship updates whenever necessary via the App Store. One notable feature that SwiftKey offers is Flow, which is a method of typing by moving your finger from key to key. Users who use Swype by Nuance will be familiar with how SwiftKey Flow works. Unfortunately, I was unable to test Flow as the iPad version of the keyboard does not have it. This is due to memory limitations imposed on extensions. The functionality and visual effects for SwiftKey Flow when run on an iPad exceeds this amount of RAM which is why only the version for iPhone and iPod Touch includes it. Flow is most useful in a one handed situation on a phone so I'm not heartbroken by its omission in the iPad version. That being said, I am still hopeful that SwiftKey will be able to do further optimization to eventually bring Flow to iPad.
Overall, I'm very happy with how SwiftKey has turned out on iOS 8. The SwiftKey Note application makes it clear that the company has wanted to bring their keyboard to iOS for some time now and has just been blocked by the lack of third party keyboard support. The fact that it fixes the keyboard lag on my iPad and syncronizes what it has learned across iOS and Android are enough to make me very happy to use SwiftKey on iOS. I'm very excited to see what future updates bring.
SwiftKey should be available for free on the App Store not long after the release of iOS 8. The application is subject to Apple's approval, and so there could be some delay in its availability to users.
Update: SwiftKey is approved and available on the App Store now. Grab it here.
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xGengarx - Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - link
Does giving keyboards "full access" also mean that the 3rd party keyboard is available in password fields? When I first heard about this restriction I thought it was a nice feature to protect users.Infy2 - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
Those animated GIFs made trying to read this article impossible for me. I had to turn off images and then reload the page to able to read it.solipsism - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
Making them simple videos that you can control works much better, IMO. Hell, even a Vine would work better here… and I dislike Vines.AppleCrappleHater2 - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
Worship the holy apple.The apple way, selling over expensive crap to stupid consumers that like to
get robbed.
This has been a disastrous launch in every respect. The iwatch is such an
ugly piece of crap, it is truly unbelievable how a company, formerly known for
its remarkable design, dares to put out such a crap ton of shit. Some
characteristics are glaringly obvious and inherent to it: over expensive,
hardly innovative, limited functionality and usability (need of an iPhone to
make it work), looks exactly like a toy watch and so on.
There are of course way better smart watches out there, especially form the
likes of Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Asus, LG, simply put, there is no need for
another piece of over expensive junk.
The iPhone 6 is technologically stuck in pre-2011 times, a base model witch
a capacity of 16GB without the possibility to use SD cards isn't even funny
anymore. The screen resolution is horrendous, it isn't water proof, shock and
dust resistant, it offers nothing innovative, just some incremental
updates over its predecessor, both lacking severely behind their competitors at
their respective launch dates.
Now the Iphone 6 Plus offers a „Retina HD“ screen, full 1920x1080p, oh wow,
where have you been for the past 4 years apple, talk about trailing behind.
That’s pathetic. The interesting thing about that is the fact that apple
always manages to sell backwards oriented, outdated crap to its user base, all
while pretending to be an innovative technology leader. The similarities
regarding any form of sectarian cult are striking.
You gotta love how Apple always comes up with new marketing bullshit terms,
aka "Retina HD", with the intention to manipulate its users while preventing easy
comparisons with its competitors by withholding the actual specs. Apparently it’s
not enough to have an 1080p screen, you have to call it "Retina HD" to make those
suckers buy it, otherwise someone could look at the 4K Amoled and Oled screens
form LG and Samsung devices and get outright disappointed. Same goes for
everything else. Every outdated „feature“ needs to get its own marketing label
to persuade buyers with crappy „experience“ and „usability“ ads, while covering
the truth with marketing gibberish, knowing full well that only a fraction of
aforementioned buyers cares to look at the facts and dares to compare them.
Car engines come to mind. For comparisons shake let’s look at a 1.0 liter, turbo
charged petrol engine and a V8 compressor. What’s better should be obvious, but
by calling the former an „ecobooster“, thus giving it a special marketing label,
this joke becomes a „feature“, something positive that can be added tot the list
of features of a car.
By doing so a negative aspect is transformed into a positive one, the
reality is distorted, non tech savvy buyers are manipulated and comparisons are
made more difficult (another layer of marketing bullshit to overcome), well done
marketing department. You see , if something is seriously lacking (of course for
profit, what else), don’t bother explaining, just give it a nice marketing term, distort
reality, make it a feature and call it a day. Fuck that!!
The Apple Iphone 1 and Ipad 1 might have been innovative at their time,
but since then, the bitten apple has been continuously rotting from the inside
outwards, always swarmed by millions of Iworms which regale themselves with its
rotten flesh, not forgetting all other Americans who support apple by means of
their tax dollars to finance its bought US Treasury/Government bond interest rates.
Last but not least, every Apple product includes a direct hotlink to the nsa,
free of charge, something that might make it a good value, after all.
Ceterum censeo Applem esse delendam.
cynic783 - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
The Apple haters are ridiculous enough without needing to parody them. LOLhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law
colinstu - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
really? no long-press the keys for extra characters like in android? or number row that can be turned on like in android? hope this is fixed in new versions!!!! I jumped to the iPhone ship.madwolfa - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
Indeed. Why clone an Apple standard keyboard, removing all features that made Swiftkey popular to start with?Guspaz - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
What's the business model here? How is SwiftKey making money if they're releasing their product for free and don't have any advertising?solipsism - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
That's a good question.Guspaz - Wednesday, September 17, 2014 - link
I actually managed to answer my own question. They charge for the Android version, and get licensing revenue from phone manufacturers to be the pack-in keyboard.If the iOS version is free for now, it's likely so that they can build mindshare amongst iOS users.